Experience the Honeydew Raw Honey
“Food of the Gods, honeydew was falling from heaven”- Greek mythology
The Secret of RoseTulips Honey
Pure honey sourced from the Rila Mountains
Our Honeydew Honey is made by the collection of sweet liquid that honeybees find on the trees’ bark and leaves. It is generally higher in minerals and amino acids that floral honey. Honeydew Honey is considered to have higher antibacterial properties due to higher levels of glucose oxidase.
Honeydews are a great sweetener, since they have a lower proportion of sugar than honeys made from nectar.In addition, they have a higher percentage of polyphenols. These are the compounds that give honeydew its antioxidant properties. For this reason, the harvest is used on numerous occasions to soothe sore throats, bronchitis or pharyngitis.

Nourish your soul with our pure honey, sourced in a sustainable manner

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